Working on the ckeditor(WISWYG editor) integration with react and redux
Developed web application for retrieving data from mail server and database for respective user.
Retriving mails of a particular user by connecting to smtp server
Graduate of Electronics and Communication
Cgpa - 7.85
Graduted with 97.4 %
Secured a AIR of 7500 in Jee-Mains
Graduted with Cgpa - 9.7
Design of Fire surveillance robot using aurdino and raspberry pie.
Online surveillance through dedicated web server.
Software Technologies Used: Java Servlets, Jsp,HTML,CSS.
Designed UI Screens.
Checking credentials for respective user,displaying e-mails, SMS messages and maintaining user sessions.
Retrieving data from mail server for respective user requests.
Designed database for Hospital Management system
Gained expertise in designing databases and E-R models for storing the data
Designed 32-bit MIPS Processor with 3 stage pipelining.
Designed using verilog and synnthesized on Fpga.
Copyright © 2019 Varun Meka.